The simple reason we face weights of depression and anxiety is that we refuse to be dead and buried with Christ and walk in the newness of life. We are in constant war with our flesh. Ever go to church camp as a kid or a retreat or revival as an adult? Maybe it was a particular sermon at church that moved you toward great freedom and joy? Didn't you want to stay there and never leave? If only... If only I could stay here and feel this way all the time. "I can see clearly now the rain has gone. I can see all obstacles in my way" and I know and understand, and believe in the One who has conquered them for me! But alas, it does not last - that clear mountaintop of vision. The dark, very real and very scary storm clouds roll in once again and I believe it is for our own well being. We get to experience many storms and God's deliverance from them. I think perhaps we will always cringe to some degree at our lack of faith when once again we realize God's amazing hand on our lives. It is the trying times, the difficulties and hardships God wants us to relinquish in the heat of the moment. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are testaments to that statement alone. We may not face a physical furnace, but we all will experience the flame of trials. Most of us are indeed fearful of walking across the stormy water to Jesus and even Peter, who did, started to doubt and sink. Yet Peter believed and so do we. It is the simple act of faith and trust and we all are asked "Do you love me?..." With age comes wisdom and we all want wisdom before the age but very few indeed possess it. Wisdom requires, for most, experience, and a lot of it. I think sometimes on the mountaintops when we can see clearly we tend to think when the storm clouds roll it will be well with my soul. Yep, we are in the clear and we know and believe the truth yet....(come on you knew it was coming!) we all mourn and regret past actions and actions to come! That's right - actions to come, why? We are not fully sanctified until we are in the presence of the Lord and we all know "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." I realize most of us may look at this as a real downer - totally depressing! Ummm until I die I'm basically screwed except for a few brief mountaintop experiences?! We all have times of thinking this way - some more than others. Half empty, half full? How we choose to see matters! It is a choice and we all make it. That doesn't mean when you choose to look at it as half full you do not have to have the difficult times, conversations etc... It just means you do what God has for you to do and you know He is in control and that in Him alone your joy may be made full. "I've looked at life from both sides now... It's life's illusions I recall, I really don't know life at all." God is fully aware we really don't know life at all and He is with us to walk us through it; if and only if we trust Him to do so. I can tell you I do not like my life when it is a half empty glass full of depression and anxiety. Wait for it, wait for it, and do so with great expecting joy! Wait for the Son to shine light into your eyes. "Fear not for I am with you always." When I feel myself saying 'easier said than done', that is my rebellion throwing a fit because I do not want to be put in a vulnerable situation and hand over control. This should ring a bell with us all if we are honest. We may be scared but we must trust the net is there; trust and obey! to do what? Make the leap! Once we do we will see our joy has always been there in the midst of all our circumstances; whether good or painful. Whatever comes, all my reactions and shortcomings I have already overcome through my faith in my Savior who died and was buried and so are my sins! If we choose to believe this then we choose to believe in the resurrection, the newness of life and life everlasting! We have the strength through Christ our Savior to get over ourselves and choose. "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Practice the presence of God, put on the armor of God. If we choose to do that each and everyday the other choices will become exceedingly clear in the midst of the storms of life. I hope and pray as believers we may all learn to look forward to making the leaps instead of fearing them. May we learn to live a bold life for Christ in a attitude of love.
Heavenly Father
You so patiently let us struggle so we might live and live abundantly. You love us with a greater love than we love our own children and we know too that our children will struggle. Nudge our hearts Lord to keep our eyes fixed on you so light may shine on the path for all to see. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)