Friday, November 16, 2007

food for thought

"If any man be in Christ he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

To be honest here I have always struggled with this verse. I still make so many daft decisions. I pop off, react out of my emotions, embarrass myself and others, when I should be silent. I don't mind admitting this because I know for a fact most people can relate. If I were asked what my most embarrassing moment would be, I would be hard pressed to find just one. The same goes for my deepest regret. Now this being said, am I a new creature? The fact I get embarrassed and I have heartfelt regrets is a big indicator. Only you and God know your heart. Paul said" I do the things I know I shouldn't, and fail to do the things I know I should. " Jesus said " You can not love both God and money, for you will love the one and hate the other." Now read these two verses again. We do the things we hate. We do ,we do, and that is the realization we have to come to. We will not will ourselves to change without it. It is an act of will, obedience , sacrifice and love, but here's the best part, when we accepted Jesus as our savior we were given a new heart and we are no longer satisfied with doing the things we hate. We never were, and that is why in this life we have much tribulation. We busy ourselves with things we hate, thinking it is fulfilling and that we like it. We, like Eve, have all been deceived and are guilty. We have all heard sin is fun for a time but it leads to death. Jesus said "I have come so you may have life and have it more abundantly ." It is a free gift yet we choose to be miserable most of the time. As Katherine Hepburn said in On Golden Pond, "Bore, bore, bore, life marches on, Chelsea, and I suggest you get on with it." We are saved by the shedding of the blood of God's only begotten Son, so when the sting of embarrassment or the crush of remorse comes as it will, remember Katherine's words here, acknowledge, repent and get on with walking with Christ. Remorse of the heart, not remorse that we were caught in our actions of human nature is a good indicator "... you are become new." , not you are new but you are becoming new. Let your Father be there for you. I believe He is right there all the time to wrap His arms around us and tell us how much He loves us. Maybe this is what you needed from a parent and seldom got as a child, I don't know. I do believe discipline and love should always be sandwiched. We may suffer the consequences from a bad decision, but rest assured our Father loves us unconditionally and His desire is for us to walk, talk, sit, laugh, and even cry with Him. We could not do any of that had He not sent His Son to die for our sins (the things we hate). Guilt that does not produce heartfelt remorse prolongs our misery because it puts distance between us and God, whereas heartfelt remorse produces humility and the desire to walk in the spirit. If heartfelt remorse does not come easily for you remember "we have not because we ask not. "One must have the faith of a child to enter the Kingdom" "Ask and it shall be given unto you." God's mercy is that He allows our mistakes so in the end we will not miss Him; He loves us that much. God pursues us, not the other way around.
"He lives, He lives, salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my Heart."
So yes for all who believe we are a new creature, and yes we do mess up but the tell all is this my friend IT IS NOT WELL WITH OUR SOUL! Practice the presence of God, Dad is right there and He is not leaving those who love Him.

Dad please let us be more and more attentive to your presence with us always. Thank You for loving us so much You gave Your precious Son so we might come to You and know You as our Abba Father. May our hearts be lifted and Your Spirit be so evident others will see You. Help us to walk and see, may we have a spiritual life in Thee. In Christ Jesus your Son's name we pray amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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