Lord I want so much to be with You in pain, trial, and tribulation but also in laughter and tears of joy, for it all encompasses Your love, sweet, sweet love. In Jesus' name. Amen.
When we are doing anything outside the will of God, instantly our joy is gone. Think back (and for most of us it won't be too far) to a time with friends or family when you discovered something about a mutual friend that irritated you both and how right you feel about them being wrong!...gossip. You may in agreement shake your head about it or laugh about it but in that moment we have no joy because the glory of God's presence is not being poured out through us. Christ cannot dwell in us any other way than who He is and was when He walked this earth. When we bow to our flesh in the slightest way (which begins, by the way, with our thoughts) Christ can be no part of it. "Lo I am with you always" this is true but we blatantly choose to ignore His presence and instead please our flesh. "If any man hears Me knocking and comes to the door and opens it I will come in and commune with him and he with Me." Now that's exciting, but are we so busy talking that we don't give our Savior any time to speak? Oh, that we may be first and foremost listeners, not speakers! We want this, but on our terms, not His! Our focus must remain on Him - we must be so consciously aware of Him and His way until it becomes who we are. The conscious awareness of His perfect love will guide our thoughts and actions if we let Him. I pray the next temptation I have to speak out on an irritation I have felt due to others' behavior that I may see my Savior writing with a stick in the sand to the accusers. When we gossip is that not what we are, accusers agreeing on the fault of another? judging? Oh no, not us, we are Christians ( Christ followers, imitators.) Oh really? Can we even dare to think such nonsense! We are saved by grace, the fact that our eyes are opened to how unworthy of that grace we are is His mercy on us. So yes! Let us see Him writing in the sand our sins and we will be humbly blessed. I know why my Father has to reveal this to me, for it must be rooted out of me. I must see so I will detest in me what is not of Christ who is Holy and blameless and came to live through us, the church. Are we there yet?
Where we will do whatever it takes to be one with Him even if it means keeping our mouths shut? Anyone who knows me personally knows that this is one tall order and I cannot do it, but Christ can and will if I keep the door open for Him. The beautiful thing is this, I am (by my pride) being exposed, crushed, and shamed by my mouth and actions on a daily basis but I find indescribable joy in God letting me come to grips with my shortcomings in such a conscious way and root out what is not of Him. This is humbling and heart wrenching when we see how short we fall and it produces the sweetest fruit of all in us, the fruit of humility. With great joy and awe we can serve but without humility it is devoid of joy. So it is our heart's desire to be in God's presence in pain, trials, and in laughter and joy for it is all encompassed in His love, sweet, sweet love.
Father I am deeply crushed by my shortcomings and at the same time in an awe of thankfulness for Your Son who writes it upon the sand for me to understand. If You did not give Him for us we would never know. We tremble at Your grace and mercy which encompasses all who love You. Thank you for Your amazing patience in letting us learn; our joy is indeed in You alone! Mold us into Your image Lord for only this is well with our soul. In Jesus Christ our Savior's name I pray. Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)