My dear friend Jill once shared a saying that is worth repeating often: "If this is the worst thing that ever happens then we have got it made!" Why? Because it gets the mind in the driving gear of developing a good attitude despite our circumstances. We whine, moan, and complain, and I call this "being an Israelite in the desert". I know in this world we will have trouble, but for the most part we bring it upon ourselves. I'm not talking about sickness and true "innocent" suffering, I'm talking about day in day out normal complaining. Yesterday, for example, the wind was fierce all day, the day that leaves dirt and pollen heavily dusted everywhere. Since I have asthma I know that it is best not to venture outside too long or better yet not at all. Funny, I can go for days busy working in my home but when it would be best for me to stay home I somehow get that restless feeling. Maybe an ice storm or a snow day, no school and the natives are restless, you know the drill. Or perhaps we have had a drought and then like last spring it rains most of the time. It's either too hot or too cold, and if we are not complaining, we go to a party or we throw one and someone is there to fill the gap. Someone brings up a complaint and we all rush in like starving children to add our 2 cents worth, having us a grand ole time! And it doesn't stop there, we return home to rehash the discussion. Solving nothing, and why? Because we are not putting our complaints in the light of God's word. If we did we would find peace in the midst of our circumstances. I love going down these rabbit holes because it helps me to grasp realities I otherwise would not notice, that I so easily dismiss. The powers that can dominate me. The power of complaining. I'm sure there are many more; lust, greed, etc., and we all face the flesh. But complaining seems less invasive than some of the others and I think that is but an illusion but I will go with it anyway. Anything we yield to but Jesus Christ will produce bondage in our lives. Maybe many of you remember singing "I've got joy, joy, joy, down in my heart! Where? down in my heart! Where? down in my heart! and if the devil doesn't like it he can sit on a tack Ouch! sit on a tack Ouch! sit on a tack. I've got joy, joy, joy down in my heart to stay!" We all would love to be full of joy but few are willing to examine personally what it is in us that is robbing us of that joy. "The first thing to do in examining the power that dominates us is to take hold of the unwelcome fact that we are responsible for being truly dominated." O.C. We are slaves to ourselves because somewhere we gave into the temptation of our flesh. We yielded to our fleshly desires. A majority of the time it is so subtle we do not take notice. I have found journaling makes me sit up and take notice - and I highly recommend it. Get alone with God and He will reveal His truth and uncover what is not of Him in you. We all fall short of the glory of God but few take the time to face it head on. I, for one, would much rather face it now than later (or at least I say that right now). "Every knee shall bow". It's like putting off homework and the stress of it becomes so intensified that your whole attitude goes down the drain. Believe me when I say this I know this all too well. However, what I have discovered over time (and a good part at first was pure obedience to my convictions) is that I love doing homework. I love learning God's truth. Journaling has become one of the greatest blessings in my life. We do not realize how dark it is until we ease into the warmth of the light. Don't be dismayed if the light at times hurts your eyes, take time alone with your Father to adjust to the light because it is full of His Glory, glory you do not want to miss here and now. " Open my eyes that I may see, visions of eternity." "Draw me nearer nearer precious Lord; to the cross where Thou hast died."
Heavenly Father, I pray that our hearts would jar us when we start to complain, so we may at once put our eyes back on You. May we be mindful that our joy in the midst of our circumstances is a light on this path we share with others. In Jesus Christ name I pray amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
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