Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"Cast thy burdens upon the Lord."

We cannot physically be ten places at once, or even two.  What do we learn from "Greater love has no man..."? Is it a spring board into legalism? If the Word said 
'greater love hath no man than to enslave himself out of his own strength to everyone who begs of him until there is nothing left of our human strength and capability' it would indeed be that spring board and that is exactly where we find ourselves again and again. 
Any parent can tell you they know all too well the feeling of exhaustion and being overwhelmed.  The thing I have come to realize is - whatever stage of life, it does not get any easier; in fact it will only increase, if we are not renewing our minds and walking in the spirit. " Be still and know..." is a command to us arising out of God's mercy for us to bless us in this life. Any one have what we so often call a 'full plate' these days?  Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend AND Jesus said I call you friend."  We confuse this with wanting to solve everyone's problems in our own strength and we end up hurting instead of helping and healing.  
With the mind of Christ we have compassion, we love people. But get taken advantage of, drained, day after day, and watch that love and compassion melt into resentment and bitterness in which we only feel guilt, which impedes us and dooms us to continue the cycle. "For we are not ignorant of satan's schemes." Maybe not, but we are not paying much attention to them much of the time. We love, therefore we want to fix things, and sometimes through God's grace we do get to help and we all know how good that feels.  It hurts to see loved ones hurt, or see a small child or adult be mistreated, unless of course you are so callous that you have mastered pushing these feelings into your subconscious; but being able to ignore pain is even more dangerous, for it is a defense mechanism that left unchecked leads to the hardening of one's own heart.  
The other side of seeing people hurt is that we spring into the 'fix it' mode. "... Jesus said I call you friend." The key here is are we ready to go, and are we ready to stay and not go?  Until we are so in tune to walking in the spirit we will always question our actions. Practicing the presence of God is the only way we can be ready and not take over the control.  We all know the disastrous results that come out of that, if we are honest. There will always be the needy and the poor among us and we do indeed bear this heartache. Why?  I believe we are to learn to cast all of our burdens upon the Lord, for our joy is indeed in Him alone.  
We often do not get to see the way things end and we often don't understand why most things that we do see the end, end the way they do.  Could it be we are looking only at this life as our end, if so the end is only the beginning, but we have hope for the beginning to end well.  Our focus is off and we must turn our eyes upon Jesus continually to gain understanding and deal with this life as we were meant to.  "... And He shall direct our paths."  When we face the trials and heartaches of others' lives and our own are we spring boarding ourselves into legalism of being a fix it hero? Because if we are we may only be putting a band aid over a cancer only God can cure.  The  point here is if we are not practicing the presence of God we will indeed make things worse instead of better for those we love and for ourselves.  "... for He knows the plans He has for us,... for a hope and a future"  but a holy one and in His timing - not of our own understanding. 
Our peace, our joy lies in Him  alone. If we are truly willing to walk with Him and we leave wide margins in our days, we will indeed see how He is directing our paths.  Be careful not to jump off here with 'we have responsibilities, not enough time in the day to get it all done let alone practice the presence of God'.  God knows what we are up against and He said "Come to me.."  God is bigger than any problem that we could ever dream but we must learn to walk and talk with Him.  As a wife, a mom, and a daughter, I truly desire to spring board myself into legalism and fix all the things that come down the pipe but I can guarantee you one thing from past experience: that is not God's plan. I so much of the time end up exhausted with little to no joy accomplishing so little. In fact, I usually have a bigger mess. That's when most of us throw up our hands and say "Jesus take the wheel" and we do it over and over again and again. God doesn't tire, He knows exactly what it will take for us to surrender all.  
"Be still and know..." this is our hope and we all need to run to it. To our Father's lap, where we can renew our minds, find rest, and be energized so He - not us - may direct our paths. Each day His grace is sufficient and His mercy is new but we often succumb to life's pressures and schedules as if the world would fall apart if we did not. We refuse the gift and instead take the weight of the world upon our shoulders. "... Cast off thy burdens upon thy Lord.." Not to be lazy,  to be proactive! Alive in Christ. "... the life I now live, I live through Christ who strengthens me so I may be equipped for every good work." If we go to God in prayer we can see by His grace where we need to let go. If we refuse to let go Jesus cannot and will not work through us, we will not understand His ways, "For His ways are not our ways..."  
We will indeed hurt and grieve for loved ones and those who are suffering, for we are being transformed into Christ's image and He indeed hurt deeply for us way before His Crucifixion; for He laid down His entire life on our behalf to fix our fallen state once and for all. In our transformation our lives are being laid down as well. Let us have courage and lay our lives down at the foot of the cross each and every morning with thankfulness and praise. This is our joy, our light to shine for all of those in need.  When we surrender God does indeed impart His wisdom, strength and courage to see us through.
Heavenly Father  I pray for my loved ones that I so desperately want to put a band aid on their burdens. Give us all the burning desire to lay our burdens down and pick up our cross and follow after Thee. Let us be intercessors on behalf of others knowing full well it is well with our soul only when You alone are in control. May we indeed be a light in the darkness for others to find themselves healed in Your love. Give us the courage we need to not shy away from your incredible glory, mercy, and grace shining through us. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

1 comment:

studio pashnada said...

Hi Kelly
My name is Sherry Ball Schoenfeldt - you commented on my father's blog earlier.
Sounds like we might have several things in common - I'm an artist with two grown kids (single son age 25, married daughter almost 21) and I have a wonderful husband as well.
My folks just moved here to Edmond and we go to Faith Bible Church on Coltrane.
I wondered what type of art you do? You can see mine at studiopashnada.com. I'd love to talk to you more
~ Sherry