We have all been shocked, caught off guard, had the very breath sucked right out of us. All our hope, prayer, strength ripped down to a crumbling brittle leaf. Great is Thy Faithfulness is no where in our blurred tearful eye's sight. We can't turn left or right. So many before us have written on this. Solomon and all his wisdom said wisdom was nothing, and who can ever forget Job! We can read and we can learn but until we walk through it we cannot apply it to our lives. It's easy to say 'Oh poor so and so, they should have done this or they should have done that!' These thoughts have me humbled to the core on ever giving anyone else my advice ever again. Our words are useless to comfort unless from God alone. Not that we don't long to help and comfort but we must realize it is not our call; but only the call of our Lord alone. We understand this when we are the one in need of this comfort. In this unbearable dark place we must learn to trust our God. It is not surprising at all why so many families and marriages are ruined over crises. Life is indeed messy and most of us are poorly equipped at best. Our faith is fragile at best and God knows what pain lies ahead of each of us to make that faith strong. These heartaches are our blessings in disguise. We do not want them and they will most assuredly wreak havoc on us in one way or another. The saving grace is simple, and at first most reject it out of the shock of pain that has been injected without warning - or at least we refused to see the warnings, as it may be in some cases. Processing pain is complicated: anger, blame, guilt, whys and yet... Wait for it... Ahhh yes I remember, I said I believed! I made a choice and I'm either going to follow that choice to my grave or I am not. Why must I bear this hurt, this circumstance, this burden? Doesn't matter! I will handle it with truth and love. I do not have to be intimidated or quiet about my plight but I must handle it through my Savior's will. I am still given a choice but the catch is I need to remember I have already made it!!! "To follow after Thee". It seems hard at times and we are hurt by others because of it, especially by those closest to us . Elisabeth Elliot wisely said
"The throne before the phone" and she is right! God will put people in your path when He is ready but first and foremost we need Him! -especially in anger and hurt.
"The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want... He leadeth me beside still waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in the path of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. This is to be lived out; our sanctification through our hardships in life. Life will throw us punches that are hard to take but we choose! Believers choose goodness and love
"For God is love"! That's what we have in the midst of our blurred vision of hurt, the knowledge that
"Lo, I will never leave you." Heavenly Father
It is difficult to see Your provisions and blessings when caught off guard and hurt. A chain reaction of no one understanding our pain or able to comfort us. Help us to rest in You alone. Seek You alone so we may see the magnitude of Your blessings in disguise wrapped in the arms of Your love. In Your Son's name I pray. Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
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