We choose to be carried off into captivity. We choose like the prodigal son to take our inheritance and leave. We have been given strength, intelligence, gifts and abilities and youth but we haven’t a clue what to do with them except for what the world shouts at us to do. We desire to be accepted and loved by the world and expend ourselves to exhaustion to receive it, only to find it did not satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts. We let the world put its spin on God’s will for our lives. This is very disturbing to me for even though I know the truth, it is a daily struggle for me not to fall victim to the deception of the world’s captivity! I have even heard well-meaning sermons in which a formula was applied to help you figure out God’s will for your life. It bothered me then and it bothers me now. God can never be put into a formula. God doesn’t fit into the world, the world fits into its Creator! ‘Love as I have loved’ – this, my friend, is the beginning, the middle, and the end of God’s will for our lives. It is the one string and Paganini…the balance.
We are so busy proving our worth to the world, looking for its praise, we do not realize the chains and bondage that is tacked onto that which we seek. We are lured willingly off to Babylon in hopes of a better and more materialistic life with false promises of satisfaction. Only when we realize our fate and despair can we be of use to God. Humbled repentance is the only road that leads to home where our Father is waiting with outstretched hands to receive us. It is a choice and you will travel it alone with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You will encourage others on this road and others will encourage you but the journey is personal. It is a very real spiritual intimacy between the child and the Father. It is a complete shift in thinking and the second we take our eyes off the road we veer off the path. Practice the Presence of God! Love as I have loved! If you read my blogs, by now you know I state this over and over. I do this because I need this daily reminder and I believe we all have ADD with our focus if we live in this world. The Lord’s path is straight but we wander off into the valley and on to the cliffs of Babylon quite easily. We must become like children and learn to listen to our Shepherd’s voice so we will stop getting lost.
It takes time and desire for relief from this world of bondage we are born into, but it is there and our Father is waiting for us to come home. Just think how different this world would be if we all went home while we were still here on this earth! What is it that you need to surrender, put to death, that causes you to veer off the road that leads to home? Food for thought…I am making my list…why? Because just reading or hearing something I agree with and thinking I’m going to try harder (like many diets) doesn’t work. It simply doesn’t stick with me. I need to look at things the Lord shows me in black and white. I need to know that I laid them at the foot of the Cross to be crucified with Christ, only then can I realize when I start to pick them back up; and I will many times. It will take longer than I want, it will hurt but I know the new flowers that will come will be nothing like I could have ever imagined and this is worth my life’s work; all else falls short.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You will not allow Your children to continue to toil in vain. Open our eyes and hearts; let us hear Your voice so we may be led home! In Your Son’s name I pray. Amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus cJ
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