Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Food for thought

"And He is the propitiation for our sins; and not for our sins only , but also for the sins of the whole world."

Propitiation, of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Jesus is the payment, no more, no less but do we continually believe this? He paid the ultimate price for our wicked, deceitful hearts,so whosoever shall believe in Him, shall be saved. We shall be given a new heart . We live in the flesh and it is a thorn in our side, what we do with it is our part. The decision to live for Christ will look ludicrous to unbelievers and even some believers will not understand where we are coming from , for we are all as believers on the road to sanctification, but are at different places. Do we find ourselves judging others when they do not see what we see or do we keep our focus where it belongs. "What's between John and I is between John and I." None of us want to see the wickedness in our own heart but that, my friend, is exactly what we need to see. We must look straightforward into that crushing humbling mirror so as to root it out. We must realize when we are given a new heart of flesh we will detest our fallen nature. Liam Neeson in Schindler's List saw that reflection after saving many from the Holocaust, for he had a heart for the Jewish people and made a vast difference. So many gathered to thank him for what he had done but when he looked at the expensive car he owned ,he wept bitterly. " I could have done more, I could have done more." Are we willing my friend to see what obstacles are keeping us from doing our all in all for our Lord and Savior? May I challenge you to look deep inside and ask? How much does it mean to me? How much does it mean to me?

Heavenly Father we have but one job and focus , to be about our Father's business. We must preach the gospel in our actions and in our speech ,lest we feel the crushing sting of knowing we could have but didn't. Open our eyes ,ears, and heart so we may be all You designed us to be for Your glory for ever and ever , In Jesus your Son's name amen.

"Are ye able said the Master to be crucified with Me?..."

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Food for thought

"For necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel. 1Corinthians 9:16

"We are apt to forget the mystical, supernatural touch of God. If you can tell where you got the call of God ... I question whether you have ever had a call." O.C. I don't know about you but whew that is a relief and a truth I think we need to desperately understand. " I have chosen you." "not of our own ability less anyone should boast." It is written , It is written, It is written. I often wonder if Christians don't cause one another to stumble more than those blatantly against Christ. I believe both sides do a great deal of damage. The sad thing is a Christian most likely didn't start out to make a brother or sister stumble. We receive a little understanding and then bam! we want to expand on it with our own rationale. Unless we are walking in the Holy Spirit and He chooses to teach through us I can guarantee we are wrong. If we are honest we have all been there many times. Jesus was tempted for 40 days and nights by satan and he answered him "For it is written." Do we spend so much time in the word my friend that we can answer like this. My children are grown but the most valuable thing I have learned in raising them is that "All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching and reproof..." 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Are we not to live as Christ?, who came so we might know how. We discuss issues all the time in the name of being Christ followers, spurting out bits of truth many times with good intentions , but do we know without a doubt it is in the context in which God intended. Is it in the humble spirit of Christ in which we say these things or are we trying to get some one over to our point of view? If we can not say " for it is written" from the knowledge of the Holy Spirit then we may rest assured we need to be in the Word listening and seeking not boasting or discussing. Another avenue where we tend to drift is always listening to radio or t.v. preachers more than getting alone with God. It cannot be a substitute; for our Father desires a relationship with us. Now before you get too riled up I have many ministers I listen to in the car on the radio that have blessed me tremendously and my own pastor is a huge blessing. I want to learn and be taught the Word in the body and alone but the greatest gift we have is the Holy Spirit. For Jesus told His disciples " where I am going you cannot follow ,... I am sending a helper..." Do we access that spiritual door or do we depend on others to do that for us? We indeed are blessed like no other nation as far as I know with servants who walk with Christ and are here to teach us, but it is no substitute for your personal relationship to your Father and we have this through Jesus Christ alone. Let us always pray for discernment and seek the Holy Spirit's guidance. Don't let the spirit of busyness rob the most precious moments of your life. Your time on your Heavenly Fathers lap...priceless! Only then will we be able to start responding to the call, not really having any awareness that we are doing so, but simply delighting in being in the presence of God.

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Food for thought

" One thing thou lackest...come, take up the cross and follow Me." Mark 10:21

One thing, One thing! less of me, more of you. one thing thou lackest...are stinging words and they are true but it never ceases to amaze me that well-meaning Christians, preachers, friends, parents, family, find it their responsibility to drive this home to us in a thundering,debilitating way. It only leaves the recipients downhearted and discouraged. You rarely see the recipient join in the bashing of themselves. We retreat to the corner to lick our wounds. Oswald Chambers said " If I feel I have done my duty and yet in the process I have hurt someone in doing so , you can be sure it was not my duty, for it did not foster the meek and quiet spirit but the spirit of self satisfaction." Oswald also said " If you are hard and vindictive, insistent on your own way, certain that the other person is more likely to be in the wrong than you are , it is an indication that there are whole tracts of your nature that have never been transformed by His gaze." 2 timothy 3:16&17 " All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequately equipped for every good work." My pastor doesn't insist or rant and rave, he teaches with a humble spirit for which I'm so thankful. And I find myself wanting to posses this humility also. What kind of example are we giving? Are we more concerned that we win people to our way of thinking or are we more concerned with following after Christ. One will shine a light and the other will not. It takes the discipline of taking all thoughts captive, which is conscious at first and one day becomes who we are. One thing thou lackest, we will indeed look like Christ when we lack no more. How can we so arrogantly condemn others when we ourselves are found lacking. It is intimate and between you and God alone. We all lack but in our humility we go to Christ Jesus to be transformed by the renewing of our mind in the word of God. A humbled soul never insists on people agreeing to his point of view, and people are drawn to a humble soul, hungry for the love of Christ. Thundering self righteousness is never right. Do they know we are Christians by our love?

Heavenly Father humble us in your mercy who love you, let us see with your eyes. Let us feel what you feel, root out the arrogance that seeks to destroy us. Let us walk as you walk. Your footsteps we pray to follow , In Jesus Christ our Savior's name, Amen.

Love to all in Christ Jesus. C:)

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Food for thought

"If Thou canst do anything , have compassion on us, and help us." Mark 9:22

This little light of mine am I willing to let it shine?

Heads, tails, forward, backward, up, down, we have all heard that opposites attract in people. We see this in some couples we know and often find humor in it; but when it comes to living it out often it is not so funny. We work hard for good times, the parties of life, but if you know someone who truly has peace and joy he has mastered the down times. How do I know? I live with such a person. He has learned to live for them, they are exciting to him for they create a challenge for him to walk the walk of Christ. We have all heard people talk the talk but the walk comes with practice and great humility. We must practice the presence of God if we are ever going to walk triumphantly in adversity, only then will we become servants and blessings to be poured out. Instead of woe is me, we should challenge ourselves to try praising God for the valleys in our life, because if we walk surrendered we will become rivers of living water poured out for others. Jesus said "Love as I have loved." Are we willing to humble ourselves to the walk, or are we only willing to learn to talk?

Heavenly Father help us to walk the walk , please forgive us when we preach one thing and do another for this is not our heart's desire. We pray for the desire of our hearts, so we may live triumphantly with joy in the valleys of our lives. For it is not about us , it is all about You. In your Son Jesus' name Amen

" Turn your eyes upon Jesus , Look whole in His wonderful face, and the things of the world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Food for thought

" I have finished the work which Thou gavest me to do." John 17:4

" Surrender is not the surrender of the external life, but of the will, when that is done all is done." Oswald Chambers
Not my will but Yours be done. We may say this but the struggle of abandonment is a thorn in our side. Paul said..." I do not do the things in which I want to do, and I do the things that I do not want to do." He understood the battle of the Heart of flesh and the battle of the flesh itself. When we cannot submit to the authorities God has placed over us here; how do we think we are fairing in our ability to surrender all to God? This is a mirror we do not wish to hold up! We desire to please ourselves and that is the very point we grow weary on. Pleasing ourselves takes on many materialistic,legalistic,and pleasure-is tic faces, and they do nothing but fill our bodies with aches, pains and stresses. Jesus said "Come to me all who are weary and I will give thee rest." That is proof that Jesus came for us! are we not heavy burdened with the knowledge that we want this but... but we hold onto our material , legalistic , pleasure-is tic ideas in the way we live. We all live with plenty but we work so hard for more or to keep what we have yet to pay for. James Taylor has a song which goes," more, more, more, give me some more. Some kind of funny look-in money machine I am ." As parents , as consumers , we can all relate. What are we teaching our children by the way we live? We want to think we set the best example we can and yet we are a country of consumers. I do not like that word, for the mirror it holds up does not lie. Oh that my desire would be for You alone oh God, then I would not be torn! but torn is what we have to be . You see we must choose to die so we may live. If only we could see clearly what it is to live! To live as Christ is a pain staking journey that we tarry with by our own disobedience . To surrender our rights to ourselves ( our will) is frightening indeed; but if we believe the word is sufficient for all our needs , it is the only conclusion we can come to. "Oh ye of little faith." These are stinging words and they should be.

Heavenly Father Jesus said "if only we had the faith of a mustard seed, we could move mountains." Reveal our little faith and give us the strength and courage through your Son to go on the path He has walked with renewed faith for Your glory alone . In Jesus name amen.

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Food for thought

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 11 Timothy 1:7

"The stamp of a saint is that he can waive his own rights and obey the Lord Jesus." O.C.

Overcoming triumphantly in the midst of persecution is easier said than done...that is if you take your gaze off Jesus at any given moment . Once we take into consideration the unfairness of persecution, our focus has left . You see it is all about the unfairness, and we were chosen by God to be partakers in the crucifixion. We must learn not to crawl down off the cross. Jesus said "Father forgive them for they no not what they do." " While yet we were still sinners , He died for us." "Love as I have loved." I believe Paul could rejoice in persecution because he understood it was all about Jesus and there was nothing he wouldn't do for Him. We can relate on some level when it comes to our own loved ones. Everything that comes against us that is not pure and holy is why our Savior had to come and die; even for our focus that shifts from Him to the unfairness of what we are having to endure. " Father forgive them for they no not what they do." Can we say this and mean it? Open our eyes so we might see Lord." In this world you will have trouble,so my peace I leave with you , so where I' am you might also be" sung by Rich Mullins. We have to choose to be where He is. We must do whatever it takes to know Him well. Our thoughts can not be what is written if we do not know what that is. The Holy Spirit is our best friend and all understanding is His to Give. We must quit thinking as the world thinks. Surrender all , no turning back, no turning back and I promise you satan will attack, let your focus remain and watch as your joy becomes full in the midst of persecution. We will have trouble , for believers we know that the word is true, lets take Paul's example and run the good race of the saints. To God be the glory forever and ever Amen.

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)