Spiritual Vision
Is it better here or is it better here?, to quote my eye doctor and friend Brad.
"Take no thought for your life." Matthew 6:25 Our life is a gift and yet we are to "Take no thought for (our) life"? Are we not supposed to use our common sense and feed, clothe, and shelter (take care) of these earthly tents in which we dwell? I mean really we have to put some effort out here. TAKE NO THOUGHT! You see how common sense and reasoning can take over and argue at this vary point. Oswald Chambers said "We are never free from the recurring tides of this encroachment. The encroachment that distracts us from the presence of God, the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of things." We must look at each day and see what hoops we are jumping through to please ourselves and others. We must be willing to examine where the tide has come in and swept us out to sea to be tossed on the waves of our own and others' desires. We as believers have the strength to stand against the tide but we rarely use it. Christ died on the the cross for us so we might have that strength. "Take no thought..." Strong words and we must stop reading them with our worldly minds and read them in the way they were written to be read - with the spiritual mind. Our life is a gift, a gift to us and others, but it will be choked out if we do not give it freely back to God foremost and always. The only way I can even hope to do that is by practicing the presence of God consciously until it becomes unconscious. When pressures mount, as they most surely will, we will instantly be swept out to sea if we do not have a spiritual perspective and an open communication with our Father. Satan wants us to be so busy we don't even realize we are not examining our own lives before God. The tide hits us and we are swept out without any knowlege it was coming. The more we practice the presence of God will not stop the tidal waves from coming, no in fact they will most likely intensify . But when storms like sea billows roll, it will be well with our soul.
A storm arose on the sea of Galilee and Jesus and the disciples were in a boat. Jesus slept peacefully and the distressed disciples woke Him, for they were in fear of perishing. Jesus calmed the sea and still does for us today if we have ears to hear. "Take no thought for your life." When we walk with God, He can and will show us what it means to "Take no thought for (our lives)" and is it better here or is it better here will be a no brainer question my friend.
Heavenly Father Constantly draw our focus back to you when we start to drift or find ourselves suddenly swept out to sea; let us joyfully lift our spirit up to you , knowing you have instantly calmed the storm, no matter the calamity that is around us for it is but an illusion. May we see with spiritual eyes Your Kingdom Come! In Jesus Christ Your Holy Son's name I pray Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
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