Monday, February 18, 2008

Food for thought

Saul, Saul why persecutest thou Me?  Acts 26:14
It is fine to discuss what a sanctified life looks like.  It's fine to write about it, but then what? Then we try to live it and we go out stumbling along the way.  It's true that for every offense we face where we demand justification or about which we complain, we have in fact wounded the spirit of Christ.  In the Bible it says that teachers of the word are held to a higher accountability and I believe that applies to all disciples of Jesus Christ.  "Go everywhere into the world and preach the gospel and if necessary use words."  This was attributed to St. Francis who healed the wounded hearts of many, often by his presence alone. I often have said to my children, we cannot control others' behavior, all we can do is be keenly aware of our own and do our best. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain." The one who exasperates you, who trips you up when all was going well.  I mean we try yet sometimes we feel we will explode if we do not vent! Isn't that what our spouse is for? (just kidding) no wonder there are so many divorces. Ah yes, we are products of the fall, are we not, but for believers in Christ we are born again! Do we even start to grasp the incredible meaning of this?  It is not something we just say. It is an actual birth taking place. We are given a new heart but it takes time to learn to trust and depend on that heart.  We want to, then someone who may or may not have a new heart, has a selfish moment and bam! the double edged sword of a tongue escapes and stabs us right in the heart. Our new heart does not die, it is eternal, but it does get wounded.  When this happens what do we do? ... we react. I believe these are the fires, my friend.  We are baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire.  In this life I believe we will always walk through fires and they will flare up when we least expect them.  To be sanctified into the image of Christ we must be so one with Him that we can stand in the furnace and not burn or even smell like smoke.  In other words, when others stumble we can be there to catch them instead of reacting in defense and pushing them down futher, for when we react this way it hurts the very spirit of God.  We have the eyes as believers to see this spiritually, so let's not faint away from looking in that mirror. Joy in persecution, hardships, and difficulties, we are equipped to face the fires if we practice the presence of God.  Let's do it together and the blessing and joy will be too great to describe.
Heavenly Father Help us to forgive ourselves, because hurting You is a weight so crushing it's impossible to stand.  Thank You that You are with us always, and for Your grace and mercy of letting us be baptized by the fires so we can be refined into Your image.  When the fires rage as they will ; let our peace remain in You alone for Your glory for ever and ever amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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