Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Food for thought

"For the love of Christ constraineth us."
"We are living in a material world and I am a material girl." Madonna.  I have always detested that song. Why? Because it is so evidently true of us and no one likes to hear the truth when it hurts.  I see with spiritual eyes the sickening truth of what this nation has become and it is not one nation under God.  We do many charitable things in the name of God - but drive into traffic or watch someone speed down a neighborhood street. How about the relative or neighbor you don't particularly care for? Be honest, that's an ouch! Watch the backstabbing presidential debates and ads, or listen to people bash the opposing candidate. I'm just saying where the rubber meets the road I see very little evidence of one nation under God. God help us - and oh if we truly meant it!  When tragedy strikes, like the Murrah bombing in Okla. City or 9/11 in New York/DC we see people put the insignificant things aside, and we see some pretty amazing Christ-like qualities. How sad that it takes a disaster of great magnitude to bring out those qualities in us in everyday life for the most part.  We also see in disasters looting and riots, the line in the sand is drawn and you are on one side or the other.  The world becomes pretty black and white for a moment, but on a day that all is well there are many shades of gray and that is where we live most of our lives. " ...Lord, Lord didn't we...? and He answered them I knew you not." Those are the most tragic words any of us could ever hear. Our shades of gray are pretty black and white to God and we are either for Him or against Him in every decision and action we take. For example, let's say you are driving your child to school and they have realized they forgot their homework. They panic. You respond by flying down a neighborhood street to retrieve it, not once thinking about anyone else. They're upset, they might be late, or maybe you will now be late to work or worse even yet you are just upset by the inconvenience of it all.  Most likely they make it to school on time and you make it home or to work whew! what a hectic morning! glad that is over right? wrong! What about your nerves? Ever think of how that set the stage for your child's day. Ever think about what could have happened?  We all know what being in a hurry does, it practically demolishes us in the moment and isn't that what Satan is after?  Elisabeth Eliott once told a friend that Jesus was never in a hurry.  Say that to an anxious person in a hurry and I bet most won't thank you for it, no more likely they will snap your head right off. If you are ever in this position count it joy when they do because you have planted a seed. If you are going to point out some truth, always do it in love and expect persecution in return. Do it with love and hold tightly to your Father's hand, let Him speak through you or say nothing at all. We must learn what it is to walk in the spirit. We live in the chaos of busyness but we do not have to. Practice saying no to good things so you can say yes to a life lived abandoned to following after Christ who died so we might live. "I surrender all, for all to Him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow" Not being stressed or in a hurry, or living a life of guilt, sounds like heaven on earth and it is or could be. The choice is ours each and every moment of every day.  My daughter, when she was small, used to say " Where we go today mommy?"  I love her so much! What words of wisdom from a child.  Ask yourself "where we go today?" Then reach for your Father's hand; someone just might be looking to you to see where we go today. We must ask ourselves: am I following Christ? Because somewhere someone will be affected by where I go today!
Father may we be ever so conscious of walking with you and talking with you. Anoint us from head to toe so your sweet aroma will drift off of us every where we go today, tomorrow and always.  In Christ Jesus name I pray Amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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