Thursday, March 13, 2008

Food for thought

Destitution of Servanthood
"Though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved." 2Corinthians 12:15
"Though He was rich yet for your sakes He became poor."
When we look at the world, by its standards we see we are rich; so why would we want to become poor? Mama didn't raise no fool! Are we sure about that? We think only materially and Jesus was speaking spiritually. This is very important to understand and apply to our lives.  Are we not rich but refuse to become poor? ouch!  Why is this so difficult for us as believers?  I know Jesus is showing us as much now as He was in person back then but we are frightened by the leap of faith we must take from being what we think of as rich to become poor.  Remember we are products of the Fall, we must learn to invert the paradigm my friends.  We must see with our spiritual eyes how poor and destitute we really are.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the kingdom of Heaven." Jesus did not come for the rich, He came for the poor, and believe it or not that is us if we truly die to ourselves so He might live through us. He became poor and so must we if we want to be as Christ in this life; the choice is up to us.  The problem is that we are blindly deceived by the world's standards. Jesus came to show us who we are in our poverty of worldly riches without Him.  How many miserable rich people do you know?  I bet we could all make a list but are we willing to put our name on that list? Probably not, because we have reasoned ourselves into our worldly standards of comfort. Hey, I don't like this anymore than any of you! Why? Because it is a constant battle to deny one's own self, it is indeed a thorn in our side that cannot be removed in this life.  Without that thorn it would be a no brainer, there simply would not be a choice to make. Putting our name on that list of miserable rich people is the first step to self recognition of who we are and why Jesus had to die so we might come to Him and find life.  We will never know joy without this spiritual awakening.  Oswald Chambers wrote " Jesus' idea of a servant of God is that we serve Him by being servants of other men."  Jesus the holy Son of God actually came to us and lived His life here for our example to follow! "I did not come to be served, but to serve and give my life as ransom so you MIGHT have life and life more abundantly." Might have life - the choice to live that life is up to us each and every day.  We do not get saved by works and yet through our faith comes good works.  "Oh, ye of little faith" has a definite sting, and it should. We want fuller lives and we seek it in all the wrong places. We are guilty and yet forgiven. How merciful is our God indeed.  "The real test of a saint is not preaching the gospel, but washing disciples' feet, that is, doing the things that do not count in the actual estimate of men, but count everything in the estimate of God." O.C. Well, there you go that's it in a nut shell.   
I have the incredible privilege of being married to the closest model of a saint I have ever known.  I will share an example of this blessing God has poured out to light my path. Back in the late 80's we lived in Boulder Co. in a nice neighborhood with swimming pools and movie stars, OK not movie stars but cabanas in the middle of cul-de-sacs.  We were having an annual neighborhood cookout with fancy table cloths and live music by the pool. Adults only, evening attire.   My friends who know me can laugh because this type of event is way out of my comfort zone. Dressing up, socializing with for the most part people who couldn't give a rip, not my thing to say the least. My husband is very laid back and seems to enjoy the moment what ever circumstance he is put in.  I have come to love and admire that about him but it used to be the sand in my oyster so to speak.  As the caterers arrived to set up for the evening, my husband saw they were short handed and he could be of help.  So he proceeded to go and do as they asked of him.  Cutting up amongst the workers and having a grand ole time.  Then dum dum dum! a neighbor who did not know my husband started snapping orders at the workmen and you guessed it, he was very rude and belittling to my husband as well.  My husband just acknowledged him and did as he was told, never saying a word.  That night we got all dressed up and walked over to the event and I wish you could have seen the look on that man's face when he realized he had been so rude to his neighbor. This continues to be the mirror my husband holds up for me to look in and even though its difficult to make myself look and see my own failures I am so thankful for the light it sheds on my path.  It gives me the courage each day to persevere in dying to myself.  Jesus lived so He might serve and be an example to us all and it is a true blessing not to be able (for any of us) to pat ourselves on the back when we are brave enough to look in that mirror.  I am indeed thankful for these mirrors that light the path of servanthood in Christ alone.  "Blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven."   ''The last shall be first"  " whatsoever you do for the least of these, you do for me."  Watch your actions, they really do become your destiny, for actions will indeed speak louder than words. As Charles Spurgeon said, "men count words as pennies but deeds as dollars". 
Father  I am so thankful for your patience with us.  Let us rejoice whatever the situation we find ourselves in, in the joy that we are walking in the Spirit and serving You for Your glory. May we be doer's in the life of Christ our Savior . In Jesus name I pray. amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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