Thursday, June 19, 2008

Food for thought

Determine to Rise up!
"I'm gonna walk by faith and not by sight, cause I can't see straight in the broad daylight." How true this is; life in general is about as clear as mud.  Daily we face challenges, decisions, worries, frustrations and they are there for our own good.  We for the most part just look at them wrong.  We question, compare, wonder, and even grieve over if we are doing the right thing under our given circumstances.  In Hebrews 11:18 it says of Abraham " He went out not knowing wither he went ."  Oswald Chambers points out that in the old testament personal relationship showed itself in separation as in Abraham being separated from his country and family.  Abraham trusted and followed after God.  God may very well use us in this way but many may lack true understanding of what separated unto God means.  It is not works and we try and make up for many shortcomings this way and we throw ourselves into legalism with a crushing weight of bondage and exhaustion to go along with it.  Are we determined to give others our interpretation of God or are we determined to rise up and follow after Him not knowing where it may lead?  The incredible thing here is it may not lead any further at times than your own back yard.  If we are separated unto God it will be of no difference where we are and for how long!  The only way we will ever be content is to determine to rise up and separate ourselves unto God.  Determine to follow after Christ whether it is pulling weeds in your back yard or cleaning up your toddler's face, or perhaps talking to someone in the grocery line.  We must determine our focus and let God lead.  Just guess what fruit does this produce? Contentment. The question is: how bad do we want it?

Heavenly Father help us to remember each day we give to You before our feet hit the floor and each night we owe a deep and humbling gratitude of thanks for Your presence in our day and slumber. Let us always desire but one thing and that is to be in Your presence doing Your will.  In Jesus' name I pray amen.  

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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