Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Food for thought

The ahhh of hectic
"Master, where dwellest Thou?... Come and see... Follow Me." John 1:38-39,43
How do we put the arising self interest to death permanently? We cannot. It must be a continual sacrifice, a determined choice. "There is no condition of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus." O.C.  We all at times face a very hectic life and most of the time it seems as if it is constant,  a never ending rat race.  So many things to get done and not enough hours in the day to do them all.  We have to make choices and let some things go, but that means letting go of control and it goes against our very human nature. And that is the very point! Going against human nature with perserverance and determination of mind.  If we want to become a surgeon we pay a price of self discipline to achieve that goal.  The same discipline applies when we truly desire a relationship with our Father.  We do truly desire it too, but few are willing to make the all out sacrifice daily of self interest.  It sneaks up on us in so many ways that it seems as if our priorities and goals are rational and in line with God's will. "Oh what a tangled web we weave."
We satisfy our lust in so many ways and justify it in our thinking.  I kid you not. I do not enjoy writing this because the truth is convicting and grieves me deeply.  Why? Because I am guilty and I feel fine in saying we all are. For we all fall short and only God's free gift of His Son, His incredible mercy, His unbelievable grace, is for us to believe in and receive salvation.  
Right now my life seems pretty much to be a hectic pace of a jumbled mess.  There is no way to get everything done, I am pulled in so many directions, and I want to go back to bed bury my face in my pillow and pretend it will all go away!  Yes, the good fairy will come wave her magic wand and it will all get done.  Just as when I was a child and Santa came down the chimney to leave me just what I wanted.  Ahhh yes, this is good , let's just stay here. "Master where dwellest Thou?... Come and see..."  Lets bury our hearts and minds in God's word and we will truly know the meaning of Ahhh! sweet relief! When life is out of control is Jesus saying go follow after men? We know that is a lie we at times follow especially when life crashes in like a tidal wave. We are vulnerable to being tripped up, sucked into the undercurrent and confused into exhaustion.  Our Lord said " Come follow after Me."  "I have come so you may have life and life more abundant." To thine own self be true! Thine own self is made in the image of God and our will is in line with God's, yet self interest is like a lion seeking to destroy our very life and we go willingly like lambs being led to slaughter. Jesus went willingly in the opposite direction so we may know the path to take. I have a million and one things to get done today (or so I think) and yet my heart longs for the Ahhh!  I can work myself until I am bone tired and feel some sort of sense of accomplishment just to face a whole new list tomorrow with the same anxiety. Or I can sit with my Father and give Him control of my day and rejoice in His ways knowing It is well with my soul; for He knows the desires of my heart and the plans He has for me. Love is our anchor and God will work everything to the good according to His purpose and that is all we need.  So in conclusion, " Be anxious for nothing but in prayer and supplication let your requests be known to God and the peace that surpasses all understanding will be yours in Christ Jesus."  Learn to love the out of control hectic times, like my husband says, learn to surf! This is when you have the opportunity to shine for Christ like no other, and that is our joy.
Father, Thank You for Your incredible peace and understanding, let us rest amongst the chaos so others will see to do the same.  You alone are our rock and salvation.  Thank You for loving us, giving us Your Son so we might live. Everything we do let us do for You.  In Jesus Your  Son's name I pray. Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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