Friday, February 19, 2010

The Holidays

(Christmas has come and gone but I'm putting this one out anyway regardless of the time of year. It is still food for thought that's worth thinking about.) Just the title of this one conjures up a whole slew of feelings. So let's take a deeper look at what the holidays do to us. If we are honest, the child-like anticipation of Christmas wanes into some kind of dreaded stress for the majority of us. As children we are delighted at the thought of goodies to eat and presents under the tree; we are not concerned about the preparation or what anything cost. We are as small children and therefore are also unaware of others around us who go without. For most adults the hurry and stress of providing for our young ones (or elderly ones) helps us ignore those who are in need the best we can; we have enough to think about with our own. It is not that we do not care, it is that we are overwhelmed with the world's idea of celebrating, and it has little to nothing to do with the birth of our Savior. The irony here is suffocating if we have eyes to see. I do want something for Christmas this year. I want eyes to see more clearly the elephant (so to speak) in the room. We all know we have materialized Christmas to where it has nothing to do with God's gift of His Son . It was sacrificial, His only begotten Son, given to undeserving sinners who were and are in a nose dive. God sent His Son, His Son! to save us! Yet so many refuse Him. Buying gifts to express to loved ones that we love them is fine, but I dare say it has become an empty obligation to a great degree. Yes, we have twisted this gesture of love to where there is little joy in it. Why? Two words: selfish expectations. Ours and theirs, but mostly our preconceived ideas about giving and receiving. Yes, I dare say for the most part we are screwed up! And it has robbed the most precious joy and celebration we have as believers; the birth of our Savior! I do not have some list of priorities to follow that will take away the stress of the holidays. The only thing we can do is turn to the One whose birth occurred so that we might be delivered from the weight of sin we are under. It is personal and it will look somewhat different for all of us for we are all given different gifts with which to glorify God. If we want our joy to be full we must glorify Him with the gifts He so freely gave us ! " Rejoice Rejoice Emmanuel...!" Does our Christmas celebration come rejoicing or do we sing half heartedly under the pressures and stress of expectations; ours and others?!

Heavenly Father You have commanded us to "Love one another". Father grant us the courage to get involved in loving one another. Help us to see where we get consumed with our own selfish desires and expectations, so we may lay them down for the Glory of the Lord; so that our joy may be made full.

May we all receive the gift of opened eyes and true joy! Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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