We can desire to give every day to the Lord but we will not always experience victory and it can be very discouraging.
In the Desert the whole community grumbled against Moses and Aaron. Exodus 16:2 The Lord knew they would grumble even after all they had witnessed of His mighty hand and yet the Lord God provided and brought glory to His name.
The whole Israelite community had set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin... Exodus 16:1 It is interesting that they came to the desert of sin. I for one find my life there when I least expect it. I do not go out blatantly thinking 'I desire to be sinful today'. Quite the contrary. I go out with a hopeful heart of pleasing my Lord and bringing Glory to Him through my life; only to encounter the onslaught of the day's circumstances and fail miserably! Or at least the enemy would have me think that. If I were to look at the day through the grace of my Lord's spiritual awareness I indeed failed and I did indeed succeed . For through my Father's grace He lets me see where in my heart I am residing in the desert of sin. This is a very deep and spiritual matter between our heart's and God's and it is a one on one appointment only. On the worldly side others may think I handled my circumstances of the day with grace, but only God can discern the heart my friend. It is our heart that can make us anxious, angry, and crazy and it is the heart that can find peace that surpasses all understanding. Yes indeed, it is all about the condition of our heart. If we desire to live a life pleasing to God we can be sure our Father has much to teach us as He did the Israelites. Looking spiritually (in the light of God's word) at my day I can learn much about myself. How are we to grow and live a pleasing life if we do not apply scripture to our daily circumstances? "
Give us this day our daily bread, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and glory forever and ever. amen" Delivering us from evil often hurts! And it must or we will never have complete humble submission. That is what we are aiming for, running the race for, are we not? Sorry to say I find myself at the back of the line in that race more times than one can imagine. Only God knows where I am, though, and the same goes for all of us. If I should even dare to think I'm at the front of that race that in itself is a good indication I am not! On the other hand I rejoice at God's mercy and amazing grace to let me see my shortcomings when I do see them. I am thankful when I realize at least I didn't blurt out my negative hurt feelings and cause all kinds of damage to others. The real gain is when I quit putting myself in the equation.
The life I now live I live through Christ who gave His life up so I might live. Galatians 2:20 Jesus was hated and crucified and if we truly desire Christ will we not be?
"Pick up your cross and follow after Me." Joy comes in the morning! I do not long to stay in the desert of sin, no I know I long for the everlasting water of my Savior. We will have many battles on this earth to contend with but we also have the awesome privilege to lay them at the foot of the cross. Lay our wounded hearts at the foot of the cross and rest in the unchanging everlasting loving arms of our Father. He will graciously heal our wounds, restore our joy and give us strength and wisdom to face our day.
"Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer, precious Lord, to the cross where Thou hast died."
Heavenly Father
Life is indeed bittersweet! Thank you for your everlasting love. Let us run to You and live. When the world persecutes us may we remember the battle has been won and rejoice at Your victory; knowing we will one day all cross the finish line of our race. May we love without condition or expectation for then we will shine your light through our vessels. Give us the strength to keep on loving. In Your Holy Son's name I pray Amen
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
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