Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mental Games

We all live with the onslaught of our thoughts and the voices all around us – the media, friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers. Quite frankly I’m surprised we are a people with any sanity left. My husband and I were talking the other morning about how sometimes others’ needs are just too much to put on top of everything else we are dealing with at the moment. It is true for all of us at times…we simply take on too much. Do I dare say most of the time we take on too much?
There are some of us who seem frozen by all the need around us and are unable to be much help at all. We are bombarded by the noise of the world and it is simply too much, let alone someone else’s needs. While we are here on this earth this noise is not going to go away. Most of these voices are from people who love us and are well intentioned. Praise for doing well in school, warnings of all kinds, be careful who you hang with, stay in school, be involved, practice hard, work hard, plan wisely…Deep down we all want successful lives, ‘well done’, noticed by others. We aim to please. The problem is our aim. People speak into our lives, most with love and good intentions, and yes, some with cruelty, jealousy, and downright meanness. We will never please both man and God. Man will never be satisfied or pleased by this world.
Henri Nouwen put it this way: “When I pay careful attention to what goes on in my mind from moment to moment, I come to the disconcerting discovery that there are very few moments during a day when I am really free from the dark emotions, passions, and feelings”.
Do I dare say hell on earth originates in the onslaught of our thoughts? Sometimes I want to put my fingers in my ears and shout lalalalalala; but the noise will be there when I take them out. Yes, we all have to deal with hurt, rejection, and not measuring up to our own lofty expectations or those of others. We all at times fall into the trap of feeling sorry for ourselves and we have all dreamed of a perfect worldly life – the perfect house, family, car, job, etc.….”All these mental games reveal to me the fragility of my faith that I am the Beloved One on whom God’s favor rests. I am so afraid of being disliked, blamed, put aside, passed over, ignored, persecuted, and killed, that I am constantly developing strategies to defend myself and thereby assure myself of the love I think I need and deserve. And in doing so I move far away from my Father’s home and choose to dwell in a ‘distant country’.” Henri Nouwen
Wow! Do I ever need to let this sink in! We are a frail bunch with no strength or power outside that of Christ Jesus. The examples of lives that bring me hope are not at all of those who are rich and famous or who have some great worldly success. There are two women who come to mind and neither was rich or successful in the eyes of the world. Neither had great earthly possessions or letter of education by their names. Yet they are the ones my heart admires and who I feel so blessed to have known. Yes, I want to be like them and the truth is, I am not. My struggles are my own and I am sure they had theirs. Yet I desire to be like them. They lived simply, they trusted greatly on the promises of God and they loved unconditionally and gave all of themselves in service to those they could help. These two women were my aunts! God loves me so much that He gave me them so I might see Him! If I practice the presence of God I just might stand a chance of someone seeing through my light. That, my friend, is success, that is our aim. When I catch a glimpse of God through the light others shine for me to find my way, I too know I long shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…one of my aunt’s favorite songs and yes, it is one of mine, too.
Heavenly Father, I am so very very thankful for the lights on my path. I pray we all will recognize the lights in our lives with joy and thanksgiving. Renew our strength and sharpen our focus so we will run the race as a shining bright light. In Jesus your Son’s name I pray..Amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus cJ

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