" The water I shall give him shall be in him a well of water." John 4:14
" Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" Wizard of Oz"
This is a pretty profound statement. Ah but we do pay attention and we tell others what we think of the man behind the curtain and the downward spiral continues.
God does not give us all the same approach to feeding His sheep or the same timing . As the body of Christ we have different approaches just as our hands do not do what our mouths do and vise verse , however our hand needs our mouth and our mouth needs our hand.
We are often jealous of someone who becomes a fountain of living water. Its true, we don't want to admit it, but some where down deep we know . We find fault, something to criticize no matter how mi.nute. Churches split, relationships disintegrate, and if we are honest much of it boils down to jealousy. We read about this jealous heart of ours in the bible. Cain and Able, Sara and Hagar, Joesph and his bothers...When we read these stories it is easy to imagine we would react differently , we would do what is right, right? wrong!!! We were not born saints, we were born separated by the fall from God. " I once was lost but now am found , twas blind but now I see." We must run the race of the good saints and we cannot if we are not willing to die to ourselves. We must realize who we are , who God is and what His Son's life living through us means. I don't know about you but as for me finding fault in others is a very dark ugly feeling and one I could do without. When we focus on Jesus, to live as He lived we will be about our Fathers business. There will always be hecklers, but I know far to well what a heckler feels like on the inside, so I must make it my goal to personally strive to keep my focus because as believers in Christ we desire the joy of our life in Christ alone and finding fault in someones personal walk and servant hood zaps the joy instantly. When we start feeling uneasy by who's doing this or that for God , or how they do it. we have lost our focus and put it back on ourselves. Ourselves because they are serving the Lord but not as we think they should. Jesus said " Whats between John and I is between John and I ..., what is between you and I is between you and I." God will take care of the rest.
If we do not spend time being filled we will never be in shape to run the race. We must do what ever it takes to devote ourselves to our Fathers business so out of us may flow rivers of living water.
Teach me your ways Oh Lord so I may walk in your truth , give me an undivided heart." " Oh how I want to be in that number , When the saints go marching in."
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
Friday, September 7, 2007
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