Ye are they who have continued with Me in My temptations." Luke 22:28
The older I get the more black and white issues become. The world today is obsessed with reasoning ; just look at the law. " Oh what a tangled web we weave when once but aghast we were deceived. To us it looks a tangled mess but to our Father this is no test. He has worked it for our good , so at last in peace our hearts they stood." C:) Today we live in a state of information overload! Where is the Word on our reading list? Do we even know what Jesus' temptations are? Are you ever put in a situation that we want desperately to run from? We must not! I'm not talking about using common sense to stay out of danger here, we all know common sense is for our own protection, but there will always be shifts in our circumstances we wish didn't exist, shifts that put us in uncomfortable situations. Standing up for Christ in a truthful and compassionate way when well-meaning people have justified their actions. Or worse yet, someone coming at us with indignation on a spiritual issue, or just everyday uncomfortable situations we would rather not deal with. If we are honest we have been the ones justifying our actions, or filled with indignation but somewhere on the road to sanctification we are allowed- by the grace of God- to see a shift, from our temptations, to those that are not about just us. Example ... I remember a particular movie i saw in my 20's that my friends and I thought was so funny. Then... my dad watched it. OK, now the funny was gone. I remember his reaction, and that he couldn't see the humor in it. I remember thinking , you're just old and you don't get it, now I know it was the other way around. He was older and wiser, I was young and trying to change truth to my liking, to my comfort zone! My father, however, knew it wasn't about me or what I wanted. I still find myself wanting to do that today. It's just at some point I'm more spiritually aware that's what happened. I also find myself wondering how youth at times can be so blind! Oh, do I not get it? We were not born wise, but we are separated from God by the fall . We all have this cross to carry, and great intellect or not, spiritually most, if not all, are slow learners. Once we start to see the light we tend to want to get puffed up and come down on the youth like they should know better... s l o w l e a r n e r s ! Oswald Chambers said " If I feel I have done my duty and yet have hurt Him in doing it, I may be sure it was not my duty because it has not fostered the meek and quiet spirit, but the spirit of self satisfaction." If we are to continue with Christ in His temptations the only way is to be one with Christ. We must lay down our lives for His. We are either for Him or against Him; the shade of gray- no matter where on the scale- is still gray. We cannot continue with Him unless we know Him. " Know Him well , Know Him well."
Heavenly Father teach us your ways oh Lord so we may walk in your truths , give us an undivided heart. In Jesus name amen.
Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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