Thursday, September 27, 2007

Food for thought

And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain." Matthew:5:41

We must understand the trials we face have already been won, the outcome that we must deal with here and now is not the final one. It is simply the repercussions of a fallen world in which we are not (as saints) accepted. The problem is that we do not recognize that the battle is Christ's in our personal dilemmas. We want control, we want to win and we want to do it in the name of Christ Jesus. This is blasphemy and yet we cannot see it. I think an example here would help us to see just so happens that I'm living one now. No doubt you are, too. Since i do not know yours I will tell you mine.
I have bee dealing with two companies who have both made statements knowing loopholes have been created for their financial gain or protection, against the consumer. Neither party is willing to claim responsibility...the trial of "he said/she said" or "whodunit". As frustration mounts looking at a real probability of getting taken advantage of, the stress on my loved ones around me, it became clear to me that the outcome is not the issue at hand, there is a much bigger picture. The picture of Christ. How do I let Christ shine? Will I look like a doormat? Will I be let down? Jesus was... I most likely will be, too. You see the outcome is now not the issue, but my nerves, my reactions, how I handle it can either glorify God or tell Him to move over and let me handle things. The latter, my friends, is disastrous, and honestly my nerves have been showing me how little faith I have. One company suggests I sue the other, the other wants to do whatever it takes to make the other company responsible. I realized, walking out of meetings with both that I just felt sick at their ways of deceiving (in my opinion) each other. Fear and doubt began to consume me. I know at times we must present our case but here's the clincher: Did you go to your Father in heaven for advice? Or did you get caught up in the emotions? If Christ lives in us let us focus on that life and we will know how to handle adversity. We may very well look as if we lost the battle, but did Christ not appear that way to those who crucified Him? And yet He lives! As believers our security is not in this world but in Jesus our Lord and Savior. It is by God's grace and mercy that we live and we should walk what we believe, my friends. Watch your nerves settle and your joy return. For our joy is in Christ Jesus alone and to our eyes is being revealed the real picture, the one of sacrifice for the glory of God alone. So let the world do as it may, for it is not our treasure. Trust Jesus and be one with Him at all costs now. When the world turns against you, what will others see...Jesus? Peace, patience, kindness, wisdom, love, understanding.
Jesus is the only one who can fulfill these; we must constantly examine what is in the way so we may determinedly root out anything that is not of Him.
"Never expect justice in this world, but never cease to give it." O.C.

Love to all in Christ Jesus C:)

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